The Essence of Dharmam - 7. Swami Krishnananda.


Thursday, August 5, 2021.7:10.AM.
(Spoken on February 11th, 1973)

The universe is such a mystery before us. It is a beautiful blend of object and subject – the object being matter, the subject being the spirit. We cannot as human beings understand what this beautiful blend is. Today I am not going into the subject of the nature of this blend of spirit and matter, as my purpose is something else. But Vedanta prescribes a solution for this enigma of the duality of spirit and matter, to which a hint is given in the Thirteenth Chapter of the Bhagavadgita, where the Absolute is described. The Absolute is both subject and object.


Srimad Bhagavad GAita : Chapter - 13.


adhyātma-jñāna-nityatvaṁ tattva-jñānārtha-darśhanam

etaj jñānam iti proktam ajñānaṁ yad ato ’nyathā 



jneyam yat tat pravakshyami yaj jnatvamritam ashnute

anadi mat-param brahma na sat tan nasad uchyate


BG 13.13: I shall now reveal to you that which ought to be known, and by knowing which, one attains immortality. It is the beginningless Brahman, which lies beyond existence and non-existence.


sarvatah pani-padam tat sarvato ’kshi-shiro-mukham

sarvatah shrutimal loke sarvam avritya tishthati


BG 13.14: Everywhere are His hands and feet, eyes, heads, and faces. His ears too are in all places, for He pervades everything in the universe.


sarvendriya-gunabhasam sarvendriya-vivarjitam

asaktam sarva-bhrich chaiva nirgunam guna-bhoktri cha


BG 13.15: Though He perceives all sense-objects, yet He is devoid of the senses. He is unattached to anything, and yet He is the sustainer of all. Although He is without attributes, yet He is the enjoyer of the three modes of material nature.


bahir antash cha bhutanam acharam charam eva cha

sukshmatvat tad avijneyam dura-stham chantike cha tat


BG 13.16: He exists outside and inside all living beings, those that are moving and not moving. He is subtle, and hence, He is incomprehensible. He is very far, but He is also very near.


It is both inside and outside. What a wonder it is! This is the transcendent solution of the mystery between spirit and matter. We cannot understand it because it is subtler than our understanding. It looks very far because it is infinite, but it is very near because it is the Self of the thinker himself.


avibhaktam cha bhuteshu vibhaktam iva cha sthitam

bhuta-bhartri cha taj jneyam grasishnu prabhavishnu cha


BG 13.17: He is indivisible, yet He appears to be divided amongst living beings. Know the Supreme Entity to be the Sustainer, Annihilator, and Creator of all beings.


Though things are divided, it is undivided within the divided being.  


jyotisham api taj jyotis tamasah param uchyate

jnanam jneyam jnana-gamyam hridi sarvasya vishthitam


BG 13.18: He is the source of light in all luminaries, and is entirely beyond the darkness of ignorance. He is knowledge, the object of knowledge, and the goal of knowledge. He dwells within the hearts of all living beings.


It is inside our very heart. This supreme solution to the mystery and enigma of the dichotomy between spirit and matter is hidden within our very heart. How can we understand it? We cannot see our own eyes; we cannot see our own back. Such is the tremendous significance of our activities, our conduct. This is the nature of dharma.


To be continued ...



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