Excerpts From Gurudev’s First Global Tour - 6. Swami Chinmayananda -



The interview was mainly directed to the 12,000 students of the university, and according to information, it was well received.

On the 20th of April, Mrs. Lee Graham interviewed Swamiji for Radio WNYC for 25 minutes for broadcast under the “People and Ideas “program. After introducing him, Mrs. Graham asked Swamiji a number of questions:-

Q. When did your interest in spirituality start ?

A. First, I was almost an atheist or, say, a sceptic. After University education, I studied various scriptures which confirmed there is something higher to seek for. So I went for contemplation and study in the Himalayas under a master in the right atmosphere.

Q. Do you find marked differences between Eastern and Western students ?

A. Western students initially find it difficult to understand Eastern philosophy, but they are more anxious to live it, whereas Eastern students are more curious to know philosophy. In fact, West studies Eastern philosophy more intelligently and pursues its paths more diligenty.

Q. You have been lecturing in various universities. What are your impressions in general ?

A. I don’t know how far it will be treading on the toes of your country. But here is my honest impression. Christianity seems to have failed to satisfy the youth here. They feel that there is something lacking in their religion, and they tell you this openly and straight. They naturally are trying to understand the Eastern philosophy if it can fill up the vacuum. They make an honest attempt, and in fact, many American universities have now separate department to deal with Indian and Asian studies and schools of religions.

Q. Do you think that Christianity is not able to give the necessary spirituality ?

A. It is not that the Christian religion has nothing to offer. But it is just that the Church is not able to satisfy the rational demand of the modern youth for explanations. It is not Christ or the Bible that have failed, but the Priests and Sermons have cheated the youth. Even in India the students are not inclined to discuss the Truth of life unless it is interpreted to them in a language that they can understand.

Q. Why did you feel compelled to do this overseas trip?

A. Our younger generation is being Americanized and this, coupled with the industrial revolution in India have resulted in labour troubles and other problems, economic and social. I want to see in America their social and psychological problems born as a result of the material and scientific pursuit without an equally diligent emphasis upon the spiritual values. For example, scattered concepts of morality, the emotional imbalance, the shattering of the personality, harmony, etc. Once I get a clear picture of these, then I can plan up for India some remedy to avoid these catastrophes by warning my people against possible dangers and training some to deal with such calamities should they arise.




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