Excerpts From Gurudev’s First Global Tour - 5. Swami Chinmayananda -


Q. Is it necessary to give up sex for spiritual attainment?

A. Sex should not be given up, but should be transcended. There is a tremendous power in sex. The sex energy can be sublimated to spiritual vitality. Concentration and contemplation need subtle energy and one will find less of sex in all true artists, scientists, politicians and authors, etc., who are creatively thinking constantly.

Q. American biologists says that sex has nothing to do with intellectual development. What do you say ?

A. A man who is well fed will grow just like an animal, and if a person concentrates on sex and the gratification of physical demands only, he is no more than an animal. Attraction between a girl and a boy is a natural phenomenon, and sex control cannot be accomplished by rules and regulations. Overeating is one of the causes of sexual excitement and, therefore, if a couple wishes to live for noble aspirations, sex may be controlled by dieting and divinising the relationship so that the sexual energy – 0jas – can be converted into the brilliance of spirituality (tejas).

Q. Most intellectual boys will not agree with you; they feel sexual consummation can be there along with spirituality – What is your comment ?

A. All the boys and girls will not be able to live up to the great ideals. In India, it is prescribed in the scriptures that the first 20 years should be that of a Brahmachari, without any sex indulgence, but plenty of reading and discussions on sex. The second 20 years are for a happy married life, entirely faithful to each other, satisfying the mutual sex demands more with the ideal of procreation, learning to live nobly during the time, practising the greater values of life at the same time.

Q. In India, people identify with their own castes and creeds, not feeling strongly for national interests. What do you say?

A. Indians have been striving under the pressure of foreign domination far the past two centuries which has sapped out all philosophy from the majority of the urban population. The only education available was supervised by the missionaries and they did their best in destroying our students’ faith in their own religion. After independence we were concerned mainly in removing our national poverty as soon as possible. Therefore, our attention was in rapid industrialization. There is now a growing interest in nationalism and the average student is very much interested in the Hindu philosophy and religion.

To be continued ....


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