
We have to add here a very important note that the Universal Intelligence is immanently present in all the stages mentioned, right from Prakriti, or primary matter.

The physical and psychical isolation of individuals is said to be a sectional, piecemeal division of this Cosmic Being, which descends down to the physical matter of crass sense-perception.

The issue concerning the perception of the external world raised at the level of epistemology arises because of the split of individuality out of the Cosmic Substance, and the individuals erroneously assume an unwarranted independence of subjectivity, as if they are the knowers and the world is the known, while the fact seems to be the other way round, i.e., the Total Nature is the seer or the knower, and the individuals are only split sparks, as it were, shunted out from the cosmic wholeness.

It is, thus, the individuals that are to be regarded as the objects of the Universal Subject, rather than the quaint supposition on the part of isolated individuals that they are the subjects and the universe is their object of perception and contact.

In the above details may be found almost the entire range of the rungs in the ladder of descent and ascent in all forms of life. It need not be mentioned that the aim of all education, therefore, seems to be a graduated wholesome ascent from the lowest levels of existence to the highest perfection of the Universal Absolute.

Students of philosophy are generally required to have a requisite background of the implications of the mathematics of Space, Time and Gravitation, and sufficient acquaintance with literature, logic and semantics.

To be continued ...

Swami Krishnananda


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