Dharma (himsa tathaiva cha) -2.


Dharma (himsa tathaiva cha) -2.

Let us for a moment go to the original sacred slokam and investigate the significances of the moral precept : -

"Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah."

This is the opening line of a stanza, and the very next line reads : -

Dharma himsaa tathaiva cha. “So too is all righteous violence.”

Indeed, non – violence is the supreme policy to be adopted by man to foster enduring peace in the world; but there are certain dire moments in the life of individuals, as of nations, when we will have to meet force with force in order that justice be done.

To every individual his mother, wife and children are the nearest dependents and to guard their honour and life is the unavoidable first moral duty of each head of the family.

This is an obligation whether the victim be a member of the majority or of the minority class within a country, province or city.

To be continued

Swami Chinmayananda


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