GURU TATTVAM - Ch-9.2. Ref : Present day students at all level must know this, students job is learning and not the agents of dirty politicians who are not your real guru.

Chapter -9. Guru-Bhakti Yoga-2.

The qualification for taking to this Yoga is the simple trio of sincerity, faith and obedience.
Be sincere in your aspiration for Perfection.
Be not vague or half-hearted.
Then have perfect faith in the one you have accepted as your Guru.
Do not allow even so much as a shadow of doubt to approach you.
When once you have reposed absolute faith in him, then know that what he instructs you is indeed for your highest good.

Therefore, obey his word implicitly.
Follow his teachings to the letter.
Be earnest in doing thus, and take my word: you will attain Perfection; I assure you emphatically.

Next : 2. Now then an exposition of Guru-Bhakti-Yoga.
Swami Sivananda
     To be continued...


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