GURU TATTVAM - 7.6.1. Ref : Present day students at all level must know this, students job is learning and not the agents of dirty politicians who are not your real guru.

Chapter-7. Gurudom- 6.1.
6.Commercial Gurudom-1.

But I dislike commercial Gurudom. I strongly resent the actions of hypocrites who pose for Gurus and Acharyas and move about making disciples and collecting money. You will all agree with me on this point. There cannot be any two opinions in this direction. They are the pests of society. Gurudom has come to be mere business.

It must be thoroughly eradicated from the soil of India. It is doing great havoc and harm to the people of India. It is creating a very bad impression in the minds of the Westerners and people of different countries. India is losing its spiritual glory on account of this Gurudom business.

Drastic steps should be taken immediately to nip this serious malady and destroy it to its very root. No stone should be left unturned in its eradication. It has assumed a hideous shape. It has become very contagious.

Many have taken to this Gurudom business as an easy means of decent livelihood. Poor ignorant ladies and gentlemen are exploited by these pseudo-Gurus on an enormous scale. What a shame!

Swami Sivananda
     To be continued...


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