GURU TATTVAM -2.8.2 -Chapter-2.Duties And Privileges Of Discipleship ( Very Important )-8.2 Ref : Present day students at all level must know this, students job is learning and not the agents of dirty politicians who are not your real guru.

  Chapter-2.Duties And Privileges Of Discipleship ( Very  Important )-8.2
8. Guru’s Tests :2.
2. Four Classes Of Disciples  :

The best disciple is like petrol or aviation spirit.
Even from a great distance, he will instantly react to the spark of the Guru’s Upadesa.

The second class disciple is like camphor.
A touch awakens his inner spirit and kindles the fire of spirituality in him.

The third class of disciple is like coal.
The Guru has to take great pains in order to awaken the spirit in him.

The fourth class of disciple is like a plantain stem.
No efforts will have any effect on him.
Whatever the Guru may do, he remains cold and inert.

Two things are necessary for a beautifully finished idol or image.
One is a perfect, faultless, good piece of marble; the second is the expert sculptor.
The piece of marble should but unconditionally remain in the hands of the sculptor in order to be carved and chiselled into the fine image.

So too, the disciple has but to cleanse himself, purify himself, and make himself a perfectly faultless piece of marble, and placing himself under the expert guidance of his Master, allow to be carved and chiselled into the Image of God.

Next : Chapter -3. Significance Of The Holy Guru-Purnima Day
Swami Sivananda
    To be continued  ....



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