GURU TATTVAM -2.6.2 -Chapter-2.Duties And Privileges Of Discipleship ( Very Important )-6.2 Ref : Present day students at all level must know this, students job is learning and not the agents of dirty politicians who are not your real guru


Chapter-2.Duties And Privileges Of Discipleship ( Very  Important )-6.2
6. Surrender And Grace-2.

The aspirant, before he desires the grace of the Master, should deserve it.
The supply of divine grace comes only when there is a real thirst in the aspirant, and when he is fit to receive it.

Guru’s grace descends upon those who feel utterly humble and faithful to him.
Faith is confidence and trust in Guru.
Faith is firm conviction of the truth of what is declared by the preceptor by way either of testimony or authority, without any other evidence or proof.
The disciple who has faith in the Guru argues not, thinks not, reasons not and cogitates not.
He simply obeys.

The disciple’s self-surrender to Guru and Guru’s grace are interrelated.
Surrender draws down Guru’s grace, and grace of Guru makes the surrender complete.
Guru’s grace works in the form of Sadhana in the aspirant. If an aspirant sticks to the path tenaciously, this is the grace of the Guru.

If he resists when temptation assails him, this is the grace of the Guru.
If people receive him with love and reverence, this is the grace of the Guru.
If he gets all bodily wants, this is the grace of the Guru.
If he gets encouragement and strength when he is in despair and despondency, this is the grace of the Guru.
If he gets over the body-consciousness and rests in his own Ananda Svarupa, this is the grace of the Guru.
Feel his grace at every step, and be sincere and truthful to him.

Next : 7. How The Guru Teaches
Swami Sivananda
   To be continued  ....



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