The World Is Not Our Enemy! - 6.

When seen as such, a whole new vision dawns upon you.

 Your approach to them is an intelligent one.

All reactions to them become positive; your entire life, in addition to your spiritual life and sadhana, takes on a new attitude and nature.

It no longer reacts in a negative way. It reacts in a positive way : -

"God has sent these things; they are necessary. I must try to understand in what manner I can gain, in what manner I can utilise them."

The whole approach, therefore, is not one of diffidence or trepidation or insecurity and doubt.

The whole approach is very positive and understanding.

It is creative and constructive, and the very approach itself is constituted as a forward movement.

This is the light in which we should view the world in which we have to live and to carry on our spiritual sadhana.

Then the world is seen with a different meaning; it is not a foe or an enemy.

To be continued ....


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