Authentic Religion-9.( Last Part )

Last Part-9.

It's never too late to mend.

There should be a resurgence of essential religion, real religion, which is one.

There are not many religions. there is only one religion: man's path back to God, the individual's ascent to the Universal Reality, the cosmic phenomenon of the human being once again linking himself to his Divine source and abode.

This is religion.

And now, the unified religious policy of global humanity must seriously engage itself in undoing what it has done by losing its direction and take on this new role as pro-claimers of oneness, pro claimers of harmony.

All religions, therefore, exist and prevail in order to raise up the human spirit towards its essential divine status, godly status, so that man's nature becomes filled with the godlike qualities of love, compassion, kindness, purity and with everything that is sublime, beautiful, holy and sanctifying. Man's heart is the right field for the play of these sublime, godly qualities such as harmony, understanding, unity, selflessness and a spirit of service.

This is real religion.

This is true practice of religion - to be a true child of God, to be a true witness to His all-perfection.

If we are representatives of that Cosmic Being, then through our lives, the whole world must see and recognize the perfection that That Being is.

Then alone a new era can dawn for global humanity in the twenty-first century.

Religion can and must become a great unifying force, a great force for unity and harmony.

Then we can say indeed that God has spoken to man and that religion has now come to take its rightful place in human society and to fulfill its destined, great, sublime role of making man aware of his spiritual nature and his oneness with humanity.

For within all, that same Light of God dwells as their own true eternal identity.


Swami Chidananda
To be continued   ..



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