Authentic Religion-5.
How ?
Either by love of your heart,
through devotion, prayer, adoration, glorification;
or by the penetrating analysis of the intellect,
constantly dwelling upon it, inquiring about it, analyzing it, trying to approach it,
to grasp it through understanding it from all various facets;
or by concentrating all the scattered rays of your mental powers into one powerful,
single unified ray and focusing that unified mind upon the concept of that one supreme,
non-dual Divine Reality to the exclusion of all other ideas through the inner,
mystical process called meditation;
or trying to approach it by feeling the presence of that Being pervading and prevailing everywhere,
now and here, and directing your entire life,
love and thoughts into a continuous stream of service unto that Supreme Reality in and through its various appearance as human beings,
animals, insects, plants, all forms of life existing on earth,
thus making yourself a servant of the immanent God indwelling all his creation.
Swami Chidananda
To be continued ...