Authentic Religion-5.


All religions have come into existence in global human society, in this phenomenon of man, in order to take man back to the eternal source of his being, and not only take him back, but bind him back, bring about a firm relationship.

How ?

Either by love of your heart,

through devotion, prayer, adoration, glorification;

or by the penetrating analysis of the intellect,

constantly dwelling upon it, inquiring about it, analyzing it, trying to approach it,

to grasp it through understanding it from all various facets;

or by concentrating all the scattered rays of your mental powers into one powerful,

single unified ray and focusing that unified mind upon the concept of that one supreme,

non-dual Divine Reality to the exclusion of all other ideas through the inner,

mystical process called meditation;

or trying to approach it by feeling the presence of that Being pervading and prevailing everywhere,

now and here, and directing your entire life,

love and thoughts into a continuous stream of service unto that Supreme Reality in and through its various appearance as human beings,

animals, insects, plants, all forms of life existing on earth,

thus making yourself a servant of the immanent God indwelling all his creation.

Swami Chidananda
To be continued   ...


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