
O man! Selfish works will not lead you to the Goal of Yoga.

Only unselfish works will help you.

Sadhana means something much sterner.

You have to ascend the top through the hard way.

But once you reach the top, you will drink the nectar of Immortality and Eternal Bliss.

There are various systems of Yoga which I shall now briefly describe.

The first is the intellectual system in which man employs his human faculties in a supreme exercise: the realisation of the Truth.

This is known as Jnana Yoga or the Yoga of Intellect.

One listens to the expositions of the nature of God, acquires an understanding of the Reality, then by reflecting upon it again and again, ultimately, one penetrates into it through the power of reason in the depths of meditation.

The second system is known as Bhakti Yoga or the Yoga of Devotion or Love.

This is a very sweet path, one which is peculiarly suited and easily adapted to the emotional temperament.

One grows into close relationship with the Supreme Being by constantly thinking about Him, praying to Him, worshipping Him, feeling Him close, so close that one naturally walks with Him, talks with Him, lives, moves and has one's being in Him.

A link is set up whereby pure love is directed to God. In this exercise, the human being becomes totally integrated.

To be continued  ...


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