
Neither is Yoga a religious cult.

Certain Eastern concepts do lie behind it.

This is true.

But these concepts do not have anything to do with the evolution of the science Proper.

Yoga is comprised of highly evolved and practical techniques which may be applied by persons of any race, nation, caste, creed, church or sect.

As philosophical definitions were being formed and as religious concepts of the Hindus were being formulated, the science of Yoga was evolved.

Certain metaphysical concepts are peculiarly Hindu and Eastern, but Yoga which is separable from its philosophical and metaphysical background, is a science of universal and practical value.

Yoga is essentially a spiritual matter concerning spiritual methods.

It is an intensely practical approach towards the realisation of the supreme Reality, the very Centre of all life—God.

And it is the heritage of all humanity.

Worshipful Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj used to tell a beautiful parable regarding the importance and truth about Yoga: There was a big tree in a jungle. On the top of a branch there was a very big honey-comb.

But the ascent to the top of the tree was difficult.

One had to cut steps on the trunk of the tree and ascend; but that demanded great patience and intelligent work.

To be continued  ...


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