Yoga of Synthesis - 1.


Yoga of Synthesis is suitable for the vast majority of persons.

It is a unique Yoga.

Man is a strange complex mixture of will, feeling and thought.

He is a triune being.

He is like a tricycle or a three-wheeled chariot.

He wills to possess the objects of his desires.

He has emotion; and so he feels.

He has reason and so he thinks and ratiocinates.

In some the emotional element may preponderate, while in some others the rational element may dominate.

Just as will, feelings and thought are not distinct and separate, so also, work, devotion and knowledge are not exclusive of one another.

He must, therefore develop his heart, intellect and hand.

Then alone can he attain perfection.

Many aspirants have lop-sided development.

They do not possess an integral development, as they neglect one or the other of these aspects of their personality.

Swami Sivananda
To be continued.....


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