Tantra Yoga-3.

3. Guru and Diksha (Initiation)

Yoga should be learnt from a Guru (spiritual preceptor).

And this is true all the more in the case of Tantra Yoga.

It is the Guru who will recognise the class to which the aspirant belongs and prescribe suitable

The Guru is none other than the Supreme Divine Mother Herself, descended into the world in order to elevate the aspirant.

As one lamp is lit at the flame of another, so the divine Sakti consisting of Mantra is communicated from Guru to the disciple.

The disciple fasts, observes Brahmacharya, and gets the Mantra from the Guru.

Initiation tears the veil of mystery and enables the disciple to grasp the hidden truth behind scriptures' texts.

These are generally veiled in mystic language.

You cannot understand them by self-study.

Self-study will only lead you to greater ignorance.

The Guru only will give you, by Diksha (initiation), the right perspective in which to study the scriptures and practise Yoga.

Next : 4. Qualifications of a Disciple

Swami Sivananda
To be continued.....


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