Raja Yoga : 6.3-4

3. Ashtanga Yoga-4

To find the root of the mind, the Seed-Desire, he needs the light of the whole mind.

At the same time, prevention of the externalization of the mind breaks the vicious circle, as desire is deprived of its active manifestation.

This concentrated beam of light is then directed towards the root of the mind itself (Dharana); and the mind is held in check.

Now the consciousness which had so long been flowing outward collects itself and flows back into its source - the Purusha within, which is Dhyana.

The link with Prakriti is gone.

The Purusha experiences the transcendental state of independence - Kaivalya - in Nirvikalpa Samadhi.

Now ignorance is destroyed.

The Purusha realizes that it was only His consciousness that gave Prakriti its power to please Him, to give Him joy, to delude Him, and to bind Him.

He enjoys the bliss of His own nature and remains for ever independent and blissful.

All thought ceases once for all in Nirvikalpa Samadhi.

The seeds of Desire and Vasanas and Samskaras are fried in toto; this is Nirbija Samadhi.

The Yogi in this supreme state loses all external consciousness, all awareness of duality and multiplicity; he loses even the I-idea (Asmita) in Asamprajnata Samadhi.

That is the Supreme State where the Seer (Purusha) is established in His own Svarupa.

Swami Sivananda
To be continued.....


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