Raja Yoga : 6.3-1

3. Ashtanga Yoga-1

Patanjali's Raja Yoga is generally termed the Ashtanga Yoga or the Yoga of Eight Limbs, through the practice of which freedom is achieved.

These eight limbs are : -

Yama or Eternal Vows:

Ahimsa (non-violence)

Satya (truth)

Asteya (non-stealing)

Brahmacharya (continence) and

Aparigraha (non-avariciousness);

Niyama or Observances:

Saucha (purity)

Santosha (contentment)

Tapas (austerities)

Svadhyaya (study) and

Ishvarapranidhana (surrender to God);

Asana (firm, comfortable meditative posture);

Pranayama (the regulation of the Vital Force);

Pratyahara (abstraction of the senses and mind from objects);

Dharana (concentration);

Dhyana (meditation); and

Samadhi (superconscious state or trance) ( does not mean death as  in  common  usage )

These eight limbs have been scientifically arranged and dealt with.

They are the natural steps in the ladder which takes man from his human to the real divine nature.

From the gross to the subtle, all the chords that bind the Purusha to Prakriti are cut asunder.

This snapping of the ties releases the Purusha to enjoy his Independence, Kaivalya Moksha.

This is the goal of Raja Yoga.

Swami Sivananda
To be continued.....


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