Raja Yoga : 6.1
6. Three Classes of Aspirants :1.
Raja Yoga is the royal road to freedom from misery.
It treats of the four great principles : misery, its cause, freedom from misery and the means.
The practice of the methods prescribed in Raja Yoga leads to the cessation of all miseries and attainment of eternal bliss.
Practice from today.
Never miss a day.
Remember each day brings you nearer to the end of earthly existence as human being.
You have wasted many days, many months and many years.
You do not realize it because you have drunk the liquor of Moha.
Therefore, you do not understand the real cause of the miseries of this earthly life.
The cause of this misery is Avidya.
When the sun of discrimination arises within, the Purusha realizes that He is distinct from Prakriti, that He is independent and unaffected. Raja Yoga gives you a most practical method of bringing about this exalted state.
Swami Sivananda
To be continued.....