Sankirtan Yoga-3.


There is infinite Sakti or power in the Lord's Names.

It will remove all impurities from your mind.

Vedantins say that there are three kinds of obstacles to Self-realization - Mala, Vikshepa and Avarana.

To remove them they prescribe Nishkamya Karma (selfless service), Upasana (worship) and Vedantic Nididhyasana (intellectual enquiry).

This Sankirtan alone can achieve all these together.

Sankirtan removes the impurities of the mind (Mala); it steadies the mind and checks its tendency to vacillate (Vikshepa); and ultimately it tears the veil of ignorance too (Avarana), and brings the Sadhaka (aspirant) face to face with God.

Maya is so powerful that she deludes you every moment.

Every moment she makes you feel that there is pleasure only in the sense-objects and nowhere else.

You mistake pain for pleasure.

This is the work of Maya.


Remember Janma-mrityu-jara-vyadhi-duhkha-dosha, - this world is full of the pains of birth, death, old age, disease and misery.

There is no pleasure in these finite objects.

Yo Vai Bhuma Tat Sukham.

You can have Bliss in the Infinite alone.

Sankirtan will enable you to realize this Infinite here and now.

Sankirtan will save you from Maya, from delusion.

Therefore sing the Names of the Lord always.

Swami Sivananda
To be continued  ....


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