Japa Yoga : 2-2.


The sacred Mantra or the Divine Name is a vital symbol of the Supreme Divinity directly revealed in the innermost depths of divine communion to the sages of Self-realization in the hoary Vedic and Upanishadic times.

These symbols are in the nature of unfailing keys to gain access into the transcendental realms of absolute experience.

Mantra Yoga is an exact science.

A Mantra, in the Hindu religion, has the following six parts.

It has got a Rishi (a man of Self-realization) to whom it was revealed for the first time and who gave this Mantra to the world.

He is the Drashta or Seer for this Mantra.

Sage Viswamitra is the Rishi for Gayatri.

Secondly, the Mantra has a metre (Chhandas), which governs the inflection of the voice.

Thirdly, the Mantra has a particular Devata or supernatural being, higher or lower, as its informing power.

This Devata is the presiding deity of the Mantra.

Fourthly, the Mantra has got a Bija or seed.

The seed is a significant word, or series of words, which gives a special power to the Mantra.

The Bija is the essence of the Mantra.

Fifthly, every Mantra has got a Sakti.

The Sakti is the energy of the form of the Mantra, i.e., of the vibration-forms set up by its sound.

These carry the man to the Devata that is worshipped.

Lastly, the Mantra has a Kilaka - pillar or pin.

This plugs the Mantra-Chaitanya that is hidden in the Mantra.

As soon as the plug is removed by constant and prolonged repetition of the Name, the Chaitanya that is hidden is revealed.

The devotee gets Darshana of the Ishta Devata.


Swami Sivananda
To be continued  ....


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