Yoga : ( e ) - 1.

( e ). Beware of Siddhis :

If a Yogi is not careful, if a Yogi is not well-established in the preliminary practices of Yama and Niyama, he is unconsciously swept away from his ideal by temptation—Mara or Satan.

He uses his powers for selfish ends and suffers a hopeless downfall.

His intellect becomes blind, perverted and intoxicated.

His understanding gets clouded.

He is no longer a divine Yogi.

He becomes a black-magician or Yogic charlatan.

He is a black sheep within the fold of Yogis.

He is a menace to the society at large.

Many people are attracted to the practice of Pranayama and other Yogic exercises, as it is through Yoga that psychic healing, telepathy, though-transference and other great Siddhis are obtained.

But Yoga is not for attaining Siddhis or powers.

If a Yogic student is tempted to attain Siddhis, his further progress is seriously retarded.

He has lost the way.

Sri Swami Sivananda

To be continued  .....


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