Karma Yoga : 5-1.


Karma Yoga is consecration of all actions and their fruits unto the Lord.

Karma Yoga is performance of actions dwelling in union with the Divine, removing attachment and remaining balanced ever in success and failure.

Karma Yoga is selfless service unto humanity.

Karma Yoga is the Yoga of action which purifies the heart and prepares the Antahkarana (the heart and the mind) for the reception of Divine Light or attainment if Knowledge of the Self.

The important point is that you will have to serve humanity without any attachment or egoism.

Action of some kind or the other is unavoidable.

You cannot keep quiet without doing anything.

What binds you to phenomenal existence or Samsara is not the action but the idea of doership and enjoyership.

Karma binds when it is done with a selfish motive, with the expectation of fruits.

Swami Sivananda

To be continued  ....


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