“This whole creation is a lie, why make a big deal over one little lie!” ?

                                                   Swami Tapovanam


All Members,

One fascinating incident, which took place in Uttarkashi, involved a plain cotton cloth which was given to Swami Tapovanam as a gift.
He had asked Swamiji to make a robe out of it for him.

The fabric was dyed with saffron, and carefully cut and stitched by hand.

It was then laid out, Indian style, to dry over some bushes.

Finally, it was wrapped and presented to Swami Tapovanam.

But when he took it out of the wrapping, it had a tear in it.

“Look! You tore it. You were careless when you took it off the shrubs!” he said to Chinmaya.

“No, I was very careful, Swamiji”, replied the student. “I don’t know how that happened!”

“You were careless. Your attention was not on what you were doing,” replied Swami Tapovanam. “And now you are surely lying!”

This was a heavy blow to Swamiji — to be called a liar — especially when he knew he was telling the truth.

What’s more, whenever Swamiji approached Tapovan Kutir after that, Swami Tapovanam would taunt him, “Liar!” Swamiji could bear it no longer and he made up his mind to leave.

Luckily, an older swami pointed out in time to Swamiji that Swami Tapovanam was in fact testing him.

So the next time Swami Tapovanam called out “Liar,” Swamiji was prepared with an answer.

“Perhaps,” he replied to his Guru.

“Oh, so now you see!” said Swami Tapovanam with a chuckle.

“This whole creation is a lie, why make a big deal over one little lie!” ?

                 Balan  ( Swami Chinmayananda )  before  Sannyasam


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