"Bliss, Ego, and Self : 'You are Bliss.'


All Members,

Bliss is not something to be got.

On the other hand you are always Bliss.

This desire is born of the sense of incompleteness.

To whom is this sense of incompleteness?


In deep sleep you were blissful : Now you are not so.

What has interposed between that Bliss and this non-bliss?

It is the ego.

Seek its source and find you are Bliss.

There is nothing new to get.

You have, on the other hand, to get rid of your ignorance which makes you think that you are other than Bliss.

For whom is this ignorance?

It is to the ego.

Trace the source of the ego.

Then the ego is lost and Bliss remains over.

It is eternal.

You are That, here and now.... That is the master key for solving all doubts.

The doubts arise in the mind.

The mind is born of the ego.

The ego rises from the Self.

Search the source of the ego and the Self is revealed.

That alone remains.

The universe is only expanded Self.

It is not different from the Self.

(Bhagavan in 'Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi' 106)


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