Pure Self :


All Members,

Sankaracharya was a Brahmajnani, to be sure.

But at the beginning he too had the feeling of differentiation.

He didn't have absolute faith that everything in the world is Brahmam.

One day as he was coming out of the Ganges after his bath, he saw an untouchable, a butcher, carrying a load of meat.

Inadvertently the butcher touched his body.

Sankara shouted angrily, 'Hey there! How dare you touch me?' 'Revered sir,' said the butcher, 'I have not touched you, nor have you touched me.

The Pure Self cannot be the body nor the five elements nor the twenty-four cosmic principles.'

Then Sankara came to his senses.

Once Jadabharata was carrying King Rahugana's palanquin and at the same time giving a discourse on Self-Knowledge.

The king got down from the palanquin and said to Jadabharata, 'Who are you, pray?'

The latter answered, 'I am Not this, not this-I am the Pure Self.'

He had perfect faith that he was the Pure Self.

-From Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna


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