GOD : ! "That means you have not surrendered as professed by you"


All Members,

*Mr. Raghaviah* : Men of the world that we are, we have some kind of grief or another and do not know how to get over it.

We pray to God and still are not satisfied.

What can we do?

*Maharishi .: *Trust God.

*Devotee .: *We surrender; but still there is no help.

*M.: *Yes. If you have surrendered, you must be able to abide by the will of God and not make a grievance of what may not please you.

Things may turn out differently from what they look apparently.

Distress often leads men to faith in God.

*D.: *But we are worldly.

There is the wife, there are the children, friends and relatives.

We cannot ignore their existence and resign ourselves to Divine Will, without retaining some little of the personality in us.

*M.: *That means you have not surrendered as professed by you.

You must only trust God.

Sri Ramana Maharishi

( source: Talk 43 )


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