Difficulties come to test you :


All Members,

"Difficulties come to test you, and thereby to help you by strengthening your will, patience, and power of endurance.

Be bold. Be cheerful. Be calm, cool. Be collected at all times, even in the face of difficulties.

There is no spiritual sadhana (practice) completely free from obstacles and difficulties.

God sends consolation, encouragement at every step to the sincere aspirant.

Defeat and failure have their purpose."

'This world is your teacher.

There is a lesson in everything.

There is a lesson in each experience.

Learn it and become wise.

Every failure is a stepping stone to success.

Every difficulty or disappointment is a trial of your faith.

Every unpleasant incident or temptation is a test of your inner strength.

Therefore Nil Desperandum.

March forward Hero!'

- Swami Sivananda


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