The Essence of Dharmam - 1. Swami Krishnananda
------------------------------------------ Saturday, October 17, 2020. 08:22.AM. (Spoken on February 11th, 1973) ------------------------------------------ 1. The duty of man depends upon the aim of life. Whatever we are supposed to do in our life is directed by the purpose for which we are existing. Aimless activity is unthinkable. All our efforts, professions and works are somehow or other directed to the achievement of an end, a goal or a purpose. Unless we are conscious and clear about the aim of our life, it would be difficult for us to determine the nature of our duties in life. In India especially, ethics is based on metaphysics. The conduct of life is rooted in the concept of existence. 2. Now, the purpose of life, or the aim of life, is again dependent upon the nature of the universe. How is the universe constituted? On that depends very much the aim of our existence, of our life, and consequently, the nature of our activity. We must know to what family we belong, what sort of...