
Showing posts from April, 2020

Spirituality in Life : 2. Swami Krishnananda

========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 22/04/2020. (A Message issued on the occasion of Swamiji's 54th Birthday in April, 1976.) -------------------------------------------------------------------- . 1. #“That which is external is also the internal” is also a message of the Chhandogya Upanishad, .  ##The whole cosmos is vibrating within every cell of our personalities. Everything that is everywhere is also within us and is inseparable from us.  ###This was the foundation of the doctrine of God’s supreme perfection given to us by Acharya Sankara also, on the basis of the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Bhagavadgita and the Brahma Sutras.  ####Everything we need is in us. Everything required by us for our existence, every movement in evolution towards perfection, is implanted in our being. When we were born we brought with us everything that is necessary for us, and we carr...