GURU TATTVAM - Ch-9.2-31 to 40. Ref : Present day students at all level must know this, students job is learning and not the agents of dirty politicians who are not your real guru.
Chapter -9. Guru-Bhakti Yoga -2. 2. Now then an exposition of Guru-Bhakti-Yoga.31 to 40. 31. Guru-Bhakti Yoga is the transformation of the ego-sense which consists in transmutation of individual feeling, willing, understanding, determining into infinite Consciousness. 32. The Sadhanas laid down in the Guru-Bhakti Yoga are very simple and sure ways to take to the other shore of fearlessness. 33. Guru-Bhakti Yoga is a method of strict discipline achieved through the grace of Guru. 34. Service of Guru without expectation of fruits and ever-increasing devotion to the lotus-feet of Guru is the integral Sadhana according to the Guru-Bhakti Yoga system of philosophy. 35. He who practises Guru-Bhakti Yoga without ethical perfection, devotion to Guru, etc., cannot obtain the grace of Guru. 36. Guru-Bhakti Yoga is the foundation of all other Yogas, viz., Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, Hatha Yoga, etc. 37. He who has turned his face from the path of Guru-Bhakti Yoga goes from de...